Schedule an Appointment

To schedule an appointment with one of our expert groomers, please contact us by pressing the "Text Now" button in the top left corner, or by calling or texting (208) 255-2699. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch grooming services for your pet, ensuring they leave looking and feeling their best. We look forward to pampering your furbaby!

To request an appointment with one of our groomers, please text

(208) 255-2699 and include the following details;

  • Your first and last name

  • Dog/Cat’s name

  • Dog/Cat’s breed and age

  • The date you are hoping to schedule

  • Estimated date of last professional grooming appointment

  • Any additional notes that may help your groomer schedule your appointment


Monday- Wednesday: 8:30am-Close

Thursday: Closed

Friday: 8:30-Close

*Closing times vary based on the last client. For confirmation, call or text us at (208) 255-2699.*

General Info & FAQs


Pricing varies based on factors such as breed, age, behavior, coat condition, and the specific grooming service. To receive a quote, please text the following information to (208) 255-2699:

- Your Name

- Dog's age, breed, weight (estimate if needed), and date of last professional grooming

- For cats, include estimated age and date of last professional grooming

*Please allow up to one full business day for a response.*

Do I need an appointment?

We recommend appointments but welcome walk-ins as availability allows. No appointment is required for a la carte services such as nail trimming, anal gland expression, or pad shaving. However, we recommend calling ahead to confirm availability.

We Love Furbabies


We Love Furbabies 〰️

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